Bouldering at Stinson Beach

Whether you are new to bouldering or a pro, Stinson beach has something for you!

Stinson beach, about 40 minutes past the Golden Gate Bridge, is a great spot to go bouldering near San Francisco and can be climbed almost all year around which is fantastic.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Certain boulders are just about at the high tide line, so if it is your first time bouldering, I would recommend checking the tides to know you are going at low tide. I visited once right before high tide, and really only the “Are You Experienced” boulder was fully dry

  • Sometimes the rocks can be slick or even mossy due to the tides. The beach can get popular in the summer, and though it is definitely climbable in the winter, it isn’t as dense. This tends to mean the easier boulders that get hit by the tide build up moss throughout the low season

  • The town surrounding Stinson is really nice, so if you get tired earlier than you were expecting, get a bite to eat at the Parkside Cafe and have yourself a picnic either at the park or the beach!

Getting ready to crush a V3 on Are You Experienced! (the V3 was not in fact crushed though)


  • At Stinson beach there are four main boulders that I have climbed at: Are You Experienced, Old Man Boulder, Old Woman Boulder, and South Boulder. There are two more (North Boulder and Sleeping Pup Boulder) but I have not climbed at these.

  • For beginners and those who are new to bouldering, I recommend heading to Old Man and Old Woman boulder as these two have a good density of V0 - V2. The Are You Experienced boulder is great for V3 - V7 climbers

  • The rock quality at Stinson is good as long as it isn’t greasy from the tide or the fog

Driving to Stinson Beach. Even though it was a bit chilly in SF, the weather at Stinson was amazing—no sweatshirts needed! (but bring sun protection!)

Getting there:

To get there, you can GPS to Stinson beach. Make sure to check directions before you get close because once you get near the shore, the signal gets a bit spotty. The drive to the beach is a bit twisty-turny so keep that in mind if you get car sick easily. That being said, the view from the 1 (the road you’ll take for most of the trip) is beautiful and if it is your first time driving this part of the 1, then you’ll maybe want to take a few stops along the way!

When you get to the beach, the boulders are about a 10-15 minute walk south from the main Stinson parking lot depending on how slow you walk on sand (I walk slow!). I’d recommend using the bathroom right before the beach before you head over because it can be a bit of a drag if you need to head back to the bathroom once you are already set up at the boulders!


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